Monday 30th, May, 2011. Rationale[ræʃəˈnæl].

Wednesday 25th, May, 2011. Intractable[ɪnˈtræktəbl], loss[lɒs], traverse[trəˈvɜːs]. .

Monday 23rd, May, 2011. Euler['ɔɪlərɪən], retract[ rɪ’trækt], Eulerian[ju:'li:rɪən].

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011. Circuit[sɜːrkɪt], lacuna[ləˈkuːnə], traverse[trəˈvɜːrs], Pass throught['pæsθru], trail[treɪl], claim[kleɪm], component[kəmˈpoʊnənt], pun[pʌn], vague[veɪɡ], entangle[ɪnˈtæŋɡl], attach[əˈtætʃ], plenty[ˈplenti].

Monday, May 16th, 2011. Induced[ɪn'djʊ:s], repertoire['repətwɑ:(r)], matrix ['meɪtrɪks], matrices ['meɪtrɪsɪ:z], swap[swɒp], multiplicitiy [mʌltɪ'plɪsɪtɪ], rigid['rɪdʒɪd], linkage[lɪŋkeɪdʒ], crossing['krɒsɪɳ].

Friday , May 13th, 2011. Pendant[ˈpendənt], isolated[ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd], notion[ˈnoʊʃn], grid[ɡrɪd], diagonal[daɪˈæɡənl], isomorphism[ˌaɪsə'mɔːrfɪzm], isomorphic[ˌaɪsə'mɔːrfɪzm].

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011. Wheel[wi:l], bipartite['baɪ'pɑ:rtaɪt, ˌbaɪ'pɑ:taɪt], vice versa['vaɪsi'vɜ:rsə, 'vaɪs'vɜ:rsə], neighbor['neɪbər].

Tuesday , May 10th, 2011. Acquaintanceship, adjacent, incident, traverse.

Monday , May 9th, 2011. Vertex[ˈvɜːteks], vertices[ˈvɜːtɪsiːz], dim[dɪm], dull[dʌl], graph[ɡræf], edge[edʒ], abstract[ˈæbstrækt], dumb[dʌm].

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011. There was a review class. No English Corner this day.

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011. It´s a piece of cake, discard[dɪsˈkɑːrd], pose[poʊz], former[ˈfɔːrmər], latter[ˈlætər], tail[teɪl], pull a face.


Friday, April 29th, 2011.Warm-up[wɔ:rm ʌp], nod[nɑ:d], flaunt[flɔ:nt], forecast['fɔ:rkæst], foretell[fɔ:r'tel], remove[rɪ'mu:v], mislead['mɪs'li:d], leftmost[leftməʊst], cheating[tʃi:ting], reverse[rɪ'vɜ:rs], wind somebody up[wInd'sʌmˌbɑ:di ʌp], seek[si:k], use upju:zʌp].

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011. Arrangement [ə’reɪndʒmənt], justify [‘dʒʌstɪfaɪ], gut feeling[ɡʌt ‘fiːlɪŋ], converge [kən’vɜːdʒ], briefly [‘briːfli], depth [depθ]

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011. Crowd[kraʊd], Crowded[ˈkraʊdɪd], Over-crowded[ˈoʊvər-ˈkraʊdɪd], suspicious[səˈspɪʃəs], converse[kənˈvɜːrs] (recíproco in Spanish), pretending[prɪˈtendɪŋ], exhibit[ɪɡˈzɪbɪt].

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011. Wrap up [ræp ʌp], cumbersome [ˈkʌmbərsəm], poison [ˈpɔɪzn], in view [ɪn vjuː], gauge [ɡeɪdʒ], assess [əˈses], juggle [ˈdʒʌɡl], my piece of advice [maɪ piːs əv ədˈvaɪs].

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011. Nested [nestˈd], boundary[ˈbaʊndri], predicate [ˈpredikət], on the fly [ɒn ðə flī].

Monday, April 11th, 2011. Dependency [dɪˈpendənsi], deal with [diːl wɪð], characterization [ˌkærəktəraɪˈzeɪʃn] gear [ɡɪr].

Friday, April 8th, 2011. Recursion[rɪˈkɜːrʃn], infinite[ˈɪnfɪnət], finite[ˈfaɪnaɪt], sequence[ˈsiːkwəns], ambiguous[æmˈbɪɡjuəs], encounter[ɪnˈkaʊntər], dependency[dɪˈpendənsi], digression[daɪˈɡreʃn], ratio[ˈreɪʃioʊ], make my day, fallacy[ˈfæləsi].

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011. Axiom[ˈæksiəm], rest[rest], lean[liːn], write down[raɪtdaʊn], write up[raɪtʌp], observe[əbˈzɜːrv], composite[kəmˈpɑːzət].

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011. Lifetime[ˈlaɪftaɪm], retaliation[rɪˌtalɪˈeɪʃn], framework[ˈfreɪmwəːk], induction[ɪnˈdʌkʃn], basis[ˈbeɪsɪs], bases[ˈbeɪsi:z], ladder[ˈlad(ə)r], conjecture[kənˈdʒektʃə(r)], fishing[ˈfɪʃɪŋ], trap[træp],

Monday, April 4th, 2011. Spoil[spɔɪl], to the bone[tə ðə boʊn], keep track[kiːp træk], whole bunch[hoʊl bʌntʃ], picky[ˈpɪki], mastery[ˈmæstəri], start out[stɑːrt aʊt], mercy[ˈmɜːrsi].

Friday, April 1st, 2011. Cancel out [ˈkænslaʊt], leap[liːp], Easter[ˈiːstə(r)], deductive[dɪˈdʌktɪv], arguments[ˈɑːrɡjumənt], hypothesis [haɪˈpɑːθəsɪs], hypotheses[haɪˈpɑːθəsiːz], conclusion[kənˈkluːʒn], counter-example[ˈkaʊntərɪɡˈzæmpl], cumbersome[ˈkʌmbərsəm], claim[kleɪm], assume[ə'su:m], involved[ɪn'vɑ:lvd], modus [mōdəs], ponens [poʊnenz], tollens[`toʊlenz], inference ['ɪnfərəns], hypothetic(al)[haɪpə'ɵetɪk(əl)], syllogism[ˈsɪlədʒɪ].



Wednesday, March 29th, 2011. Demonstration[ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn], generalize[ˈdʒenrəlaɪz], straighforward[ˌstreɪtˈfɔːrwərd]. Also, we learnt the name of some Greek letters (taken from Wikipedia). We will use the American pronunciation.

Α α Alpha /ˈælfə/
Β β Beta /ˈbiːtə/, US /ˈbeɪtə/
Γ γ Gamma /ˈɡæmə/
Δ δ Delta /ˈdɛltə/
Ε ε Epsilon /ˈɛpsɨlɒn/, UK also /ɛpˈsaɪlən/
Ζ ζ Zeta /ˈziːtə/, US /ˈzeɪtə/
Η η Eta /ˈiːtə/, US /ˈeɪtə/
Θ θ Theta /ˈθiːtə/, US /ˈθeɪtə/
Ι ι Iota /aɪˈoʊtə/
Κ κ Kappa /ˈkæpə/
Λ λ Lambda /ˈlæmdə/
Μ μ Mu /ˈmjuː/
Ν ν Nu /ˈnjuː/, US /ˈnuː/
Ξ ξ Xi /ˈzaɪ/, /ˈksaɪ/
Ο ο Omicron /ˈɒmɨkrɒn/, traditional UK /ˈoʊmaɪkrɒn/
Π π Pi /ˈpaɪ/
Ρ ρ Rho /ˈroʊ/
Σ σ
ς (final)
Sigma /ˈsɪɡmə/
Τ τ Tau /ˈtaʊ/, also /ˈtɔː/
Υ υ Upsilon /juːpˈsaɪlən/, /ˈʊpsɨlɒn/, US /ˈʌpsɨlɒn/
Φ φ Phi /ˈfaɪ/
Χ χ Chi /ˈkaɪ/
Ψ ψ Psi /ˈsaɪ/, /ˈpsaɪ/
Ω ω Omega US /oʊˈmeɪɡə/, traditional UK /ˈoʊmɨɡə/[2]

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011. Analytic[ˌænəˈlɪtɪk], brute force[bruːt fɔːrs], developable:[ dɪˈveləpˈeɪbl], disjunctive[ dɪsˈdʒʌŋktɪv], conjunctive[kənˈdʒʌŋktɪv], branch[bræntʃ], lay to my account[leɪ tu: maɪ əˈkaʊnt], halt[hɔːlt], fatal[ˈfeɪtl], closed[kloʊzd], close[kloʊz].

Monday, March 28th, 2011. Freeze[friːz], defect[dɪ’fekt], concern[kən’sɜːrn], screw up['skruːʌp], whoever[huː’evər], underline [‘ʌndə’laɪn], induce[ɪn’djuːs], hence [hens].

Friday, March 25th, 2011. contradiction [ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkʃn], contingency [kənˈtɪndʒənsi], valuation [ˌvæljuˈeɪʃn], convenient [kənˈviːniənt], in a nutshell [ɪn eɪ ˈnʌtʃel], ideally [aɪˈdiːəli], model [ˈmɑːdl], suit [suːt], club [klʌb], heart [hɑːrt], spade [speɪd], diamond [ˈdaɪəmənd], card value [kɑːrd ˈvæljuː], face card [feɪs kɑːrd], overhand shuffle [ˈoʊvərhænd ˈʃʌfl], riffle shuffle [ˈrɪfl ˈʃʌfl], suffice [səˈfaɪs], grind [ɡraɪnd].

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011. Syntax[’sɪntaks], behave[bɪ’heɪv], blunder[’blʌndə(r)], mull over[mʌl ’əʊvə(r)], delicate[’dɛlɪkət].

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011. Formula[ˈfɔːmjələ], formulae[ˈfɔːmjəli:], auxiliary[ɔːɡˈzɪlɪərɪ], parenthesis[pəˈrenθəsɪs], literal[ˈlɪtərəl], precedence[ˈpresɪdəns], tie[taɪ].

Monday, March 21st, 2011. thought[θɔːt], fuzzy[ˈfʌzi], declarative[dɪˈklærətɪv], undergo[ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ], formalization[ˌfɔːrmələˈzeɪʃn], statement[ˈsteɪtmənt], compound[ˈkɑːmpaʊnd], disappointing[ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ], conjunctions[kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn], swap[swɑːp], disjunction[dɪsˈdʒʌŋkʃn], converse[kənˈvɜːrs], sufficient[səˈfɪʃnt].

Friday, March 18tht, 2011. No English Corner as the mid-term took place.

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011. Delusion [dɪˈluːʒn], advertisement[ædvərˈtaɪzmənt], attribute[əˈtrɪbjuːt], batch [bætʃ], faulty [ˈfɔːlti], setting[ˈsetɪŋ], ballot[ˈbælət], reflect[rɪˈflekt], tease[tiːz] .

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011. No English Corner today as no hard word came up.

Monday, March 14th, 2011. No English corner today as we did group work.

Friday, March 11th, 2011. Express[ɪkˈspres], knowledge[ˈnɑːlɪdʒ], belief[bɪˈliːf], features[ˈfiːtʃər], outcome[ˈaʊtkʌm], toss[tɔːs], fair dice [feər daɪs], sample space[ˈsæmpl speɪs], hypothesis [haɪˈpɑːθəsɪs], favourable[ˈfeɪvərəbl], chain[tʃeɪn], prick up[prɪk ʌp], aware[əˈwer], regarding [rɪˈɡɑːrdɪŋ], dessert [dɪˈzɜːrt], naive [naɪˈiːv].

Thursday, March 10th, 2011. No English corner today as we did group work in the make-up class.

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011.Base[beɪs], radix['rædɪks], fill[fɪl], fill in ['fɪlɪn], fill out ['fɪlaʊt], fill up ['fɪlʌp], via[ˈvaɪə/ˈviːə], among[əˈmʌŋ], act[ækt], divider[dɪˈvaɪdər], such that[sʌtʃ ðæt].

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011. Consist of[kənˈsɪst əv]:, Crucial[ˈkruːʃl, scope[skoʊp], in scope[ɪn skoʊp], depart from[dɪˈpɑːrt frəm], “So forth,so on”[soʊ fɔːrθ , soʊ ɑːn], as a matter of fact[əz eɪ ˈmætər əv fækt], equation[ɪˈkweɪʒn], reword[ˌriːˈwɜːrd].

Monday, March 7th, 2011. Reflect[rɪˈflekt], puzzle[ˈpʌzl], variable[ˈværiəbl], frown at[fraʊn], algebraic[ˌældʒɪˈbreɪɪk], sign[saɪn], bribe[braɪb].

Friday, March 4th, 2011. Face[feɪs], compete[kəmˈpiːt], binomial[baɪˈnoʊmiəl], coefficient[ˌkoʊɪˈfɪʃnt], tackle with[ˈtækl wɪð], thorough[ˈθɜːroʊ], whatsoever['wɑ:tsəʊ'evər].

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011. Must[mʌst], pigeon[ˈpɪdʒɪn], hole[həʊl (BrE)/hoʊl (NAmE)], whose[huːz], expansion[ɪkˈspænʃn], range[reɪndʒ] (verb), guarantee[ˌɡærənˈtiː], factorial[fækˈtɔːriəl], permutation[ˌpɜːrmjuˈteɪʃn].


Friday, February 28th, 2011. Recommend [ˌrekəˈmend], gain intuition [ɡeɪn ˌɪntuˈɪʃn], gain insight [ɡeɪn ˈɪnsaɪt], give away[ɡɪvəˈweɪ], somewhat[ˈsʌmwʌt], way out[ weɪaʊt], gossip[ˈɡɑːsɪp].

Friday, February 25th, 2011. Request [rɪˈkwest], piece of cake ['piːsəv'keɪk], steady [ˈstedi], counting [kaʊnt], cardinality[ka:rdɪ'nælɪtɪ], core[kɔːr], pretty[ˈprɪti], former[ˈfɔːrmər], latter[ˈlætər], deck[dek], suit[suːt], deal out[diːlaʊt], spade[speɪd], diamonds[ˈdaɪəməndz], clubs [klʌbz], scheme[skiːm], remark[rɪˈmɑːrk], double count[ˈdʌbl'kaʊnt], oblique[əˈbliːk], realize[ˈriːəlaɪz], pattern[ˈpætərn].

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011. Share ʃeə(r) bunch[bʌntʃ], move on[mu:vɑ:n], namely[neɪmlɪ], button[bʌtn], top down[tɑ:pdaʊn], below[bɪ'loʊ/bɪ'ləʊ/], above[ə'bʌv], else[els], branch['bræntʃ]

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011. Geek[gi:k], comparable[ˈkɑːmpərəbl], vertex[ˈvɜːrteks], initial[ɪˈnɪʃl],either[ˈaɪðər/ˈi:ðər], neither[ˈnaɪðər/ˈni:ðər], upwards[ˈʌpwərdz], lengthy[ˈleŋθi], rely on[rɪˈlaɪɑ:n].

Monday, February 21st, 2011. since[sɪns],stare at[steərət], exist[ɪɡˈzɪst], partition[pɑːrˈtɪʃn], impose[ɪmˈpoʊz], constrain[kənˈstreɪn], fed up['fedʌp], snap[snæp], give place[gɪvpleɪs], because[bɪˈkɔːz/bɪˈkʌz], praise[bɪˈkʌz].

Friday, February 18th, 2011. No English corner today as we did group work.

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011. Congruence[ˈkɑːŋɡruəns], modulo['mɑ:djʊloʊ], sake[seɪk], pace[peɪs], wording[ˈwɜːrdɪŋ], carry on[ˈkæriɑ:n], reflexive[rɪˈfleksɪv, ] symmetric[sɪˈmetrɪk], antisymmetric[ˈæntisɪˈmetrɪk], transitive[ˈtrænsətɪv], concern[kənˈsɜːrn] hands-on[hændzɑ:n] substitute[ˈsʌbstɪtuːt] drop[drɑːp]


  • Get rid of[getrɪdəv]. To make yourself free of somebody/something that is annoying you, in my case, students not paying attention. I want to get rid of my old books.
  • For the sake of it. Because of the interest or value something has. Let's do it for old times' sake.
  • For the fun of it. Said when something is done to get fun out of it. I like counting people passing just for the fun of it.
  • To do with something/somebody. To be related with something/somebody. Your comment does not have to do with the main point discussed here.

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011. ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ], quotient[ˈkwoʊʃnt], remainder[rɪˈmeɪndər], divisor [dɪˈvaɪzər], dividend[ˈdɪvɪdend], relations[rɪˈleɪʃn], guy [gaɪ], sagittal diagram [ˈsædʒɪtl ˈdaɪəɡræm], arrow[ˈæroʊ], example[ɪɡˈzæmpl], equivalence [ɪˈkwɪvələns], counterexample ['kaʊntərɪɡˈzæmpl].

Monday, February 14th, 2011. subtle ['sʌtl], entire [ɪn'taɪ(r)], proceed [proʊˈsiːd], cancel out ['kænsəl aʊt], tricky ['trɪkɪ], trick (v, n) [trɪk], commutative [kəˈmjuːtətɪv], expand [ɪk'spænd].

Friday, February 9th, 2011. Bracket[ˈbrækɪt], out of[aʊtəv], intersection[ˌɪntərˈsekʃn], seven['sevn], complement[ˈkɑːmplɪment], difference[ˈdɪfrəns], law[lɔ:], scheme[skiːm], state[steɪt], Cartesian product[kɑːrˈtiːziən ˈprɑːdʌkt/kɑːrˈtiːʒən ˈprɑːdʌkt], therefore[ˈðerfɔːr], cardinality[ˈkɑːrdɪnəlɪtɪ], yes[jes], correspondence[ˌkɔːrəˈspɑːndəns], map[mæp], function[ˈfʌŋkʃn], won't[woʊnt], want[wɑːnt/wɔːnt], injective[ɪnˈdʒektɪv] surjective[sɜˈdʒektɪv], bijective[baɪˈdʒektɪv], that[ðæt].


  • Agree on something[əˈɡriːɑ:nˈsʌmθɪŋ]. To decide with somebody else to do something. Can we agree on the date for the meeting?
  • Draw conclusions[drɔ:kənˈkluːʒn]. Produce a logical consequence out of a reasoning. What conclusions can we draw from this experience?
  • Check something out[tʃekˈsʌmθɪŋaʊt] .To find if something is true or correct. Check your answers out before handing your exam.
  • Kick somebody out[kɪkˈsʌmbədiatʊ] .To make somebody leave from somewhere. If you don't pay attention, I'll kick you out mercilessly.
  • I don't buy it[aɪdoʊnt'ba:ɪt]. Not to believe something. I don't buy your proof. I don't buy your story; you're late as usual.
  • Get the upper hand[getðə'ʌpərhænd]. To control something, to master something. I got the upper hand with Discrete Mathematics.
  • Bear in mind['beərɪn'mɪnd]. To be aware of something, to remember something. Bear in mind that only hard work will make you suceed.

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011. Power[ˈpaʊər], use[ju:s] (n), use[ju:z] (v), in fact[ɪn'fæktt], has[hæz], have[hæv], whether[ˈweðər], inclusion[ɪnˈkluːʒn], as[æz], take the floor[teɪkðə'flɔ:r], hand over['hændoʊvər].

Tuesday, February 8th 2011. Order [ə:rdə(r)], elements [e'lɪmənts], build [bi:ld], slip [slɪp], π [paɪ], integer [ˈɪntɪdʒər], rational [ˈræʃnəl], notated [noʊ'teɪtɪd], subset [sʌbset], does [dʌz], at stake [ət'steɪk].


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